
Tyrant's Grasp, End of Book 4/Start of Book 5

 I'm not sure what session number we're on, so I'll just pick this one up with the number of the book we're in for each post title starting next session.

Also, my apologies to Sam because she narrated this marvelously and it felt fast and loose and didn't feel like it lost steam, but I have no frame of reference for any of the NPCs and I can't find my notebook with names of people (even the PCs), so I only know Tar-Baphon's name. I'll try to revise this post at some point once I find all my information. 

This will be a terrible recap. Thankfully, it was a short session since we decided to go shopping.

Arazni had informed our heroes that they had found the means to teleport directly to face the terrible Tar-Baphon and did so as soon as possible, but the battlefield was stacked against those who would oppose the Whispering Tyrant and Arazni whisked us away to another place. We arrived in a lush jungle, surrounded by nature on all sides and some very large crocodiles not far from where we landed.

Quickly moving away from the ancient reptiles, we were met with an elderly woman named something like Miriam who began to speak to us in a strange language. A little bit of magic later and we were able to communicate, and she offered to take us to her village. The place turned out to be a very large (and well stocked city). We entertained conversation with her, and she let us in on some local info and turned us loose to rest and recover, which we spent shopping for the rest of the night.

Cast of Characters
Teemuk, Human Pyrokineticist 12 - Me

•That's all I'm going to put, character wise. I know the classes of everyone, but I can't remember anyone's names right now. I never seem to have problems with them when we're actually at the table.
•This is a terrible recap, as stated before. Really, this is all on me, but also it was a lot of exposition as it was the end of one book and start of another. I just lost my notebook with my game notes.

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