
Tyrant's Grasp, End of Book 4/Start of Book 5

 I'm not sure what session number we're on, so I'll just pick this one up with the number of the book we're in for each post title starting next session.

Also, my apologies to Sam because she narrated this marvelously and it felt fast and loose and didn't feel like it lost steam, but I have no frame of reference for any of the NPCs and I can't find my notebook with names of people (even the PCs), so I only know Tar-Baphon's name. I'll try to revise this post at some point once I find all my information. 

This will be a terrible recap. Thankfully, it was a short session since we decided to go shopping.

Arazni had informed our heroes that they had found the means to teleport directly to face the terrible Tar-Baphon and did so as soon as possible, but the battlefield was stacked against those who would oppose the Whispering Tyrant and Arazni whisked us away to another place. We arrived in a lush jungle, surrounded by nature on all sides and some very large crocodiles not far from where we landed.

Quickly moving away from the ancient reptiles, we were met with an elderly woman named something like Miriam who began to speak to us in a strange language. A little bit of magic later and we were able to communicate, and she offered to take us to her village. The place turned out to be a very large (and well stocked city). We entertained conversation with her, and she let us in on some local info and turned us loose to rest and recover, which we spent shopping for the rest of the night.

Cast of Characters
Teemuk, Human Pyrokineticist 12 - Me

•That's all I'm going to put, character wise. I know the classes of everyone, but I can't remember anyone's names right now. I never seem to have problems with them when we're actually at the table.
•This is a terrible recap, as stated before. Really, this is all on me, but also it was a lot of exposition as it was the end of one book and start of another. I just lost my notebook with my game notes.

Scion: Requiem for the Fallen Cities, Session 2

 If anyone is paying attention, you're correct that you've seen this campaign name before. A game slot came open and I have been wanting to run Scion 2nd Edition for a while, so I asked the gang if they wanted an entirely new chronicle or to pick up an older one. We decided to revive an older run with the updated rules and Taylor set to work converting his old character while David pretty much remade his with a little more depth and took some joke elements out. The rest of the lot made completely new characters because they weren't in the original run. You can read what happened in the previous chronicle here.

Photo by Mike Mezeul

Tom Begay, a scion of Yolkaiestsan, had continued his lightning storm to call other Scions to the area. His band wanted to bolster numbers because they believed with the increase in sightings of things both paranormal and mythical, that the titans were poised to make a move against the children of the gods. Alex was already staying in Las Cruces and had made contact with Tom on a tip from Steve Sherwin before that group disbanded.

Having all just recently gotten their visitations and hints that they needed to seek out lightning, the four other Scions converged on Las Cruces and started poking around the White Sands National Monument, not far from the city, to figure out what was going on. Tom recognized them for what they are and gave them the run down, though he didn't have as much information, having been somewhat distant from his band since he was working at White Sands. He told the band that he would get in touch with his own group and send word that he was sending them to Las Vegas to meet, so that the more experienced Scions could inform these newcomers about the "coming war."

They agree, exchange phone numbers and go off to their respective lodgings for the night. The next morning, however, they are attacked in the parking lot of a motel as they're preparing to take off by some grayish humanoids seemingly made of sand. The heroes sustained just a little damage before being able to disperse the sandy beings to a cheering crowd of onlookers who thought maybe they were a traveling show or tv or movie stars practicing in the lot. The PCs made their goodbyes to the assembled crowd and headed for Las Vegas.

Along the way, the band would periodically see people out of the corner of their eye on the side of the road, colored ash gray or in the sepia tones of sand but would disappear from sight when looked at directly. Then, another weird thing happened when they stopped about two hours outside of Vegas and noticed that the sky had two suns; one that hung at the midday position and one in the correct spot. Only the Scions seemed to notice this, as Cahir's goons couldn't even see the noon sun.

The group traveled on into Las Vegas, heading to a pin dropped on their phones with no seeming source. They arrive shortly after to a large estate in a nice neighborhood. The house is in the Mediterranean style, with columned porticos and large courtyards. They are met at the gate by two of Tom's band: Shelley, a local politician, and Elena, an LVPD detective. They tell the band they asked to meet here because one of their number, a Scion of Ra named Ben, has been killed, apparently on the eve of his apotheosis, and they are investigating. Since another pair of eyes wouldn't hurt, they ask the PCs to look around and then they can compare notes.

The inside of the house would be relatively spartan if it weren't for the dearth of Egyptian relics seemingly on every surface. Everything is neat and has its place, which makes the next scene all the more striking. The door to the study from the hall is open, but a key is in the lock, showing it was opened willfully, the French doors leading to the balcony are torn asunder. One is completely off its hinges on the floor and the other barely hangs from the frame. Blood is splattered all over the room, as well as a little pine resin here and there. There is shattered furniture strewn about the room and small flecks of healthy flesh near the balcony doors, though if it's from the victim or the assailant is anyone's guess.

Alex checked out the security system, but didn't tamper with it, while the rest of the group went outside into the courtyard and down to the entry gate following a trail that Arne had picked up. The trail eventually ran cold, almost as if whatever it was had just disappeared completely, so Yrsa Read the Runes to seek what their next course of action would be. They knew answer lay in three women and a man so they went back to Shelley and Elena to learn about some people they had mentioned earlier that they felt bad interrogating about Ben's death because they're all close.

The PC band gets contact info for the four and decide to contact a man named Keegan, a Scion of Lugh, since he's the only one not considered part of Ben's band and seemed like a rough character. They find him playing basketball at a park and pull him aside for questions while Connal takes his place on the court, needing to get some energy out. Keegan is forthcoming with his answers and freely admits that he and Ben had physically fought very recently, but that is just how they were. He pointed his own finger at a woman named Jackie, because she was jealous of the newest member of Ben's group.

We left off here. It was getting kind of late and was a great stopping place. Hopefully, this short interview will make the players think of some questions for the others next time.

Cast of Characters
Alex Saito, Heroic Scion of Tsukiyomi
- Taylor
Arne Berg, Heroic Scion of Skadi - David
Cahir MacManus, Heroic Scion of The Morrigan - Chris G
Connal MacManus, Heroic Scion of The Morrigan - Jon G
Yrsa Vinter Strand, Heroic Scion of Skadi - Sam

•David and Samantha chose Skadi completely separately, so this was a pretty odd coincidence. Jon and Chris wanted to play brothers (because being real brothers isn't enough) and went with The Morrigan for aesthetics.
•Sam really carried the fight with the sand things. She was really the only player rolling consistently enough to damage the things repeatedly.
•Bonus points to anyone spotting either the overall theme I'm going for or know where I'm pulling some of the scenario from.

The Emerald Spire, Session 7

This session took place on the 21st of this month, but I forgot to post about it then, so I'm doing it now and have sessions from the 22nd and 27th to post.

When we picked up, we had just put down a cult of Norgorber that had holed up on the 2nd underground level of the ruins. We tied up who we could and tried to get some rest in a secure chamber, but a curious grick interrupted our night. Once Hilde was able to rouse our captives, she negotiated the terms of their release and promised any who repented and wished to enter society a clear way in. 

Only one of their number agreed to allow us to help them turn things around, but the rest of the cultist/bandits vowed to leave the place. This left their leader, a strong-willed woman who would see no reason, so the group decided to turn her in to the Hellknights at Fort Inevitable. And so, we set off for the 6-hour trek back to town with a hopeful convert and a cult leader.

Along the way, a quick encounter [that I can't actually remember the monster of now] slowed us only a little and we were back home before too late. Our first stop was the Citadel, where we met with Lady Drovust, the commander of the Hellknights and de facto leader of Fort Inevitable. We turned over our prisoner, though Dai Lu made clear her ideas about what she thought the outcome would be with the cultist and how she felt about it. Drovust thanked the party for the information they gave her and "gifted" them with a house in town that was all but falling apart in return for what the group has already accomplished and future tasks yet to be named. The band said they would hold to this agreement but would not assassinate people for the Hellknights.

With some of the money that had been gained on adventures, a fund was set aside to begin repairs and we hired the cultist who said they wanted to reform, giving them room and board for free and a little coin of their own if they agreed to begin getting the house in a livable condition.

We left off there. It was a short session, but sets us up better in town and we're prepped for our next expedition down into the lower levels of The Emerald Spire!

Cast of Characters
Barael Orphanbane, Tiefling Paladin 2/Oracle 2 of Sarenrae
 - James
Dai Lu, Human Summoner 4 - Me
Finley Inox, Fetchling Rogue 4 - Sam
Hilde, Aasimar Warpriest 4 of Shelyn - Taylor
Marigold of Summer, Halfling Zealot 4 - David
Medgi Bienmer, Halfling Spiritualist 3 (Retired) - Sam

I joined this game at level 2, after I came back from my amputation, so my character would be the noob of the group, but Sam decided to retire her old character after session 5. I'll have to ask her why later; I can't recall her reason.


2023: My Year in Entertainment

This again! As always, if anyone has questions or comments (or concerns, I suppose) I'd love to hear them! Due to medical stuff, a lot of my intake kinda fell off in the fall, so this one is shorter than in the past couple of years.

Werewolf: The Forsaken Chronicler's Guide III: To Transform (White Wolf)
Chronicles of Darkness Gothic Icons (Onyx Path)
Chronicles of Darkness Mirrors: The Infinite Macabre (Onyx Path)
Chronicles of Darkness Ready Made Characters Legacy Security & Courier Service (Onyx Path)
Exalted 1e Quickstart (White Wolf)
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying mini-event Gun Smugglers (Jaysin Jolin)
Pathfinder Adventure Path Council of Thieves Player's Guide (Paizo)
D&D 5e Plane Shift: Dominaria (Wizards of the Coast)
Mythic Solutions (Legendary)
The Phylactery Omnibus (Planet X)
The Phylactery 4 (Planet X)
John Carter of Mars Quickstart Rules and Adventure (Modiphius)
Mythsea: Legends of the Borderlands adventure The Bitter March (UFO/Tabula)
Space 1889 Quickstart (Clockwork)
Vulgar Display of Magic (Planet X)
Pathfinder Planar Adventures (Paizo)
Symbaroum adventure The Promised Land (Free League)
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2e Quickstart Titanomachy (UFO)
Exalted 2e Dragon Kings homebrew redux (?)
Exalted 3.5 homebrew (?)
50 More Notice Boards: Quests, Contracts, and Bounties (DropTheDie)
Exalted 3e The Art of Sorcery (VioletDreamer)
1,000ish Weird West Plot Hooks (TheCapedCrusader)
Savage Worlds Super Villain Update (Pinnacle)
Werewolf 20th Anniversary Wild West Welcome to Purgatory (High Level)

Champagne & Bullets (1993)
Killer Workout (1987)
Black Adam (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
We Have A Ghost (2023)
The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (2021)
R. I. P. D. 2: Rise of the Damned (2022)
In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)
The Warrior and the Sorceress (1984)
Stripped to Kill (1987)
Deathstalker (1983)
Deathstalker II: Duel of the Titans (1987)
Significant Other (2022)
Lamb (2021)
M3GAN (2022)
X (2022)
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Columbo Goes to the Guillotine (1989)
The Flash (2023)
Enys Men (2022)
No One Will Save You ((2023)
Bad Things (2023)
Skinamarink (2022)
The Dark and the Wicked (2020)
Gwen (2018)
Infinity Pool (2023)

His Dark Materials, Season 3
The Witcher: Blood Origin, miniseries
Columbo, Seasons 1-7
Servant, Season 2
The Mandalorian, Season 3
Perry Mason (HBO), Season 2
CSI: Vegas, Season 2
Secret Invasion, miniseries
The Witcher, Season 3
Shelter, Season 1
Hellier, Seasons 1 & 2
The Fall of the House of Usher, miniseries
Bodies, miniseries
Survivor, Seasons 10 & 11

Video Games
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Freedom Cry DLC
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
The Medium
Bramble: The Mountain King
A Short Hike

Tabletop Gaming These numbers are way off. When all the med stuff ramped up, I kinda stopped keeping track.
(Chris/Me) Exalted 3e - 7 Sessions
(Me) Numnera: Those Who Move Clouds - 6 Sessions
(Taylor) Pathfhinder 1e homebrew - 4 Sessions
(Me) Pathfinder 1e Caverns of the Spore Lord one-shot


Another New Beginning

 Been a while, for those of you who take the time to see if I've posted anything.

This past year has been very difficult for me, and culminated in losing my leg (and almost seven months of income, to boot). That story is not for here, but it did lead me to where I'll be going with this blog.

During my time off, I decided to start actually putting work into my original campaign setting, Khardtha, and also designing generally for the games I enjoy playing. I plan to start posting some of that here, but the majority will be going on my Patreon, which I'm not ready to fully roll out yet. 

I plan to use the blog for sneak peeks and small features of my design stuff to maybe get some traffic over at the Patreon but will likely also post some of that content here after some time has passed. I also plan to pick up my actual play posts and just generally be more active again. This includes going back and cleaning up some of the old posts so they're just a bit more coherent. (This may or may not happen, depending on how much I care when I go back and read)

So there's that. I have a post coming tomorrow, and a couple of things next weekend, but I need to get back in the groove of making myself write.