
Another New Beginning

 Been a while, for those of you who take the time to see if I've posted anything.

This past year has been very difficult for me, and culminated in losing my leg (and almost seven months of income, to boot). That story is not for here, but it did lead me to where I'll be going with this blog.

During my time off, I decided to start actually putting work into my original campaign setting, Khardtha, and also designing generally for the games I enjoy playing. I plan to start posting some of that here, but the majority will be going on my Patreon, which I'm not ready to fully roll out yet. 

I plan to use the blog for sneak peeks and small features of my design stuff to maybe get some traffic over at the Patreon but will likely also post some of that content here after some time has passed. I also plan to pick up my actual play posts and just generally be more active again. This includes going back and cleaning up some of the old posts so they're just a bit more coherent. (This may or may not happen, depending on how much I care when I go back and read)

So there's that. I have a post coming tomorrow, and a couple of things next weekend, but I need to get back in the groove of making myself write.

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